Married Life - Finding Success

Marriage has been described as the greatest institution of learning that a person can be enrolled in. I know that will come under fire by those in the scholastic world, but think about it for a moment. You are in a position where you are consistently learning and growing as a person. The longer you are in a marriage the more you learn. We all have to learn, grow and adapt within a marriage to make it successful. There are things you learn being married that you may not have the opportunity to learn anywhere else.

For those of you who are married, what are you doing to find success in your marriage? Are you working at making it successful, or are you just going with the flow from day to day? Are you making an effort to recognize your spouse on a daily basis? Are you doing your part to create a happy and healthy environment in your home? Are you looking for opportunities to serve your spouse? Do you focus on satisfying their needs or just your own? These are questions that you either can proudly answer or ones you are ashamed to answer. I hope you can be proud to answer them without lying.

Now for those of you who are looking to enter the marriage world, what are you doing to prepare yourself? Are you just going to fly by the seat of your pants and hope its all going to work out because you are infatuated with love, or are you going to prepare yourself for what is to come with a life long relationship? I would suggest you start doing a little preparation that will help you have a healthy and successful relationship. Relationships take work, they are not always magical and easy. but if you prepare yourself and work through the hard times you will be rewarded.

For those that are in a long and successful relationship, what are you doing to make it work? Share with us what you are doing so we can all glean from those of you who are doing it right. One thing I can share is to always be mindful of your partner. Like you, they too have feelings, wants, desires, dreams and goals they want to pursue. It can’t always be about you, it has to be about them too when you are building a successful relationship. Remember a marriage is two people putting in 100% to make the relationship work. Somedays that percentage changes with each of you, but that’s where you help lift the other person up, and vise versa. Everyday is not perfect, but you can work through those down days to make them better.

Always look to find ways to lift up your partner and make them happy. in doing so you too will find happiness, and then you guys will be happy together. No relationship can succeed if it is only one sided. Someone will always feel shafted, burned out or neglected. Do your part in helping make the other person happy and you will succeed. Remember to communicate, communication is the key to every relationship. If you are not talking about everything in your life, it will become a problem at some point.

If you know anyone looking for a little help in their relationship, send them to my website where they can purchase my books “Treat Her Right” and “She’s A Part Of Me”. both of these books focus on helping create healthy relationships. They can also scroll through my blogs and get a few little tidbits that might spark their interest of other topics that can help better their situation. I appreciate all of you and look forward to your input as to what you are doing to have a successful relationship. I look forward to learning from each of you, what you are doing to have a successful relationship.